Our Networks > Employers

Empower Your Workforce

Are you looking to infuse empathy, inclusivity, and innovation into your workforce solutions strategy? Use TalentArbor to bridge the gap between your talent needs and a diverse pool of job seekers. Let us ensure your team reflects the wide spectrum of human abilities.

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Why TalentArbor?

It takes more than good intention to run an effective inclusive hiring program. The right partner and platform will take your efforts from pilot to sustainable program. TalentArbor is both!

Use TalentArbor’s innovative omnichannel system to:

  • Bring all the program information from multiple systems into one place
  • Track program statistics and engagement in an automated way
  • Embed disability hiring into regular business operations
  • Leverage disability as a catalyst for innovation, productivity, and market growth ...and more!

Unleashing the Power of AI:

How TalentArbor Works for Employers
  • TalentArbor’s AI-based indicators enhance the power behind your talent acquisition team's decision making and puts the right tools at their fingertips.
  • TalentArbor gives your team the ability to measure the effectiveness of recruitment strategies through Rangam's AI Indicators.
  • Each indicator utilizes a set of complex algorithms to generate a score for matching job alignment, geographic availability, and the workplace environment to available talent.
  • Take Our AI for Test Drive

Job Alignment
Indicator (JAI)

Analyze your job’s title and description to estimate the size of the talent pool who could be qualified matches for the position

Location Availability
Indicator (LAI)

Match talent by location with the Location Availability Indicator, so that you get insight into talent opportunities by geographic location

Environment Accommodation
Indicator (EAI)

A robust survey based on industry-proven factors determines existing workplace accessibility and possible accommodations for disabled, autistic, or neurodivergent talent